Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Commercial Rant

As the summer is in full swing and monsoon season has arrived, we are starting to get some really buggy and soaking rains. Not only has this brought out bugs, but giant frogs as well..that seem to be invading my yard everytime it rains. Last night I put my porch light on and there was about 6 of them sitting there. I unfortunately had to put one out of it's misery yesterday, which I was not happy about. He wasn't doing too well, and he wouldn't leave.. I also found a giant toad swimming in my dog's water bowl. I kicked it and he stuck his head up out of the water and looked at me. It seemed I ticked him off a little bit... I try to shoo them away, and they sit there and look at me. I try not to hurt them because they really are harmless to humans, but some of them a potentially lethal to dogs and cats.

I've spent the last few days engaging in the Harry Potter marathon, it was perfectly timed since I read half of the series recently. I forgot how long they were as I sat there glued to the television for several hours. One thing that has bugged me is the commercials recently. Not to mention the fact that there seems to be 30 minutes of commercials for every hour of the movie, I find them several decibels louder than the actual movie. Which makes me fumble for my remote in risk of ruining my ears for life during every commercial break. I don't know if it's just me or if i've become more aware of people's intentions these days, but it seems that the companys really don't care if they annoy you with their commercials. It seems they are more concerned with being noticed and obnoxious than actually appealing to the consumer's tastes. I find half of the commercials are so irritating, that it actually repels me from wanting anything to do with their company. Between the screaming, and (trying to be catchy) jingles, not to mention their horrible attempts to appeal to the "new generation", it's amazing anyone watches television anymore. Between the gadgets and gizmos, weight loss commercials, teenage soap operas, and the calorie watch craze...Even commercials are pressing their opinions recklessly. Everyone is trying to be politically correct everywhere else.. So what if I don't count every single calorie in the foods I eat? Does this make me fat? No. Does this make me "bad" like these commercials make it sound by "not staying on track". No. I love how they show these people on diets in the commercials who are already thin. I may not be perfectly toned and tanned like they portray the way people are "supposed to look", but it won't kill me if I don't buy foods that are "only 60 calories!!". I know how to work out, and I understand that much of this country is overweight.. but my question is... Why make them feel even worse about themselves?

I think people should lose weight for themselves, and not the stigma and the pressure society puts on them. People have enough stress these days, than to worry about every little morsel they consume everyday, and how they're not burning it off. If you look good, then that's great for you. I've learned that the outside rarely reflects the person inside. I've met some really horrible, good looking people. More often than not, actually. I truly think that if they actually stuffed their face with a cheeseburger, they might actually stop talking about how great they are for 4 minutes. Being thin doesn't automatically make you attractive (in my opinion) and not everyone is graced with being born with a 6 pack, perfect teeth..and superhuman metabolisms. Also, almost no one is graced with a perfect personality. I wonder what we should be working on more?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Ahh yes, it's that time again. Time for another episode. Hopefully not a psychotic one or what have you. My:( I'm gradually becoming more and more muffin shaped as we speak. It may be due to me enjoying all the foods i've denied myself for my months and months of dieting. It's ok though. I've been slightly cynical lately, compared to my normal self. If that is even possible. Powering through half the Harry Potter series ( the first 3 books in 4 days ) , i've been reassured that they are definately better in book form! I'm not even a book worm or anything. I really wonder who still, or has somehow stumbled upon this blog in their vastness web searching. I know it matters very little now, but I wonder if a particular person still reads them. Or if they really stopped caring when I knew they did. Yes, i've been uncannily intuitive lately. It's been almost scary, I go into the computer room for no reason and then the phone rings. I get sudden urges to look out the window and there my cat is sitting in the driveway (it's not an outdoor cat, or supposed to be outside). A lot of other things. It usually happens when i'm under a lot of emotional stress. I am not normally a quitter, but something inside me told me to give up. I hate giving up on people, but when there really is no option, or room to work with. I suppose there is no other choice is there? There is only so far I can go out of my way for someone, or pretend it's working with them until I say enough is enough. I get tired of try to appease everyone else after a while.

Nevertheless I won't be conducting a psychic hotline or start reading palms on the corner. You won't find me preaching the apocalypse to you, or gazing into a crystal ball. I hate to disappoint anyone, but i'm not that psychic or psycho. My religious views have been shifting a lot lately too, out of respect for everyone else's religion..I will refrain from talking about a religion that isn't my own. Sorry to disappoint any of you once again. I really in my old age, am starting to believe that there a reoccurring types of people, personality wise and interests wise. It's amazing how you meet someone and they automatically remind you of someone you met once before. It is rare that I meet someone that totally throws me through the loop with their originality. Sad but true. I won't divulge stereotypes or pass people along like they come with some kind of recipe. I'm sure they wouldn't taste very good either. Unless you were Hannibal Lechter or someone.

I am about to warn you the following section is a bit I forewarn you. The other night I had a dream about my close friend. I really don't know how I am going to say this without totally giving it away, if she reads this, I suppose it's ok for her to know. Anyways, I had a very vivid and long dream the other night about my friend, who happens to be a female. I hang out with her at least once a week, and we do normal "friend things". In my dream we were doing these "friend things" and eventually locked eyes somewhere while we were driving and she parked the car and we started kissing. It was very vivid, like I said..and it seemed very right in the dream. I woke up amazed that it even happened, and it made me question if I had this dream for a reason. I wonder if this is a result of harboured feelings i've had, or just one of those loony dreams people sometimes have. We've never really talked about it between us, but have always remained friends, and nothing more. Heck, we've even slept in the same bed and nothing happened. I am extremely used to having friends as girls because 90% of my friends are female. It's never really been an issue keeping it just a friendship. I never had these dreams before, and I will admit right here...and i've told her this , that I think she's very pretty. I don't know if I should tell her, or if it would make her uncomfortable. I guess this is why I put this crap in my blog. Haha

The past few days i've been snake hunting in my 5 acres of property. I haven't found one yet. Why I look for them is probobly what you're thinking. I've had this recent fascination with them, and I kind of feel guilty about offing two of them. One nearly bit me, and the other was under my house. That is how I rationalize my reason for killing them. I think it all goes back to one of my earliest blogs about "how they can't control who they are" and if they were to change what they were, they most likely would be extinct right now. So I go looking for them, so I know where to look for them so I don't have an unexpected encounter with another. I guess they like hanging out with Shelob when i'm not looking. Oh and this is totally random, but I am getting my black cat, Ferguson...a Dracula cape.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th

KABOOM!!!! Happy 4th of July!!! Well, whatever is left of it. About an hour here. On the east coast it's the 5th of July. Unfortunately this year, there was no fireworks besides a few shells over the mountain. It was kind of depressing, but since we had a fireworks display in our backyard a few weeks ago, it wasn't all that bad. I spend the evening with my friend Victoria, and ate entirely too much. I've had a lot of ups and downs lately, Victoria seems to always make me feel better about even the worst things. She has a way of putting things in perspective. Since I am injured (YES I AM INJURED) newsbreak :( I totally snapped a ligament in my leg from running too much, so I have to take a week to recoop. At this point, I can't even walk down the stairs. So i've decided not to worry about dieting since I can't workout anyway. It is really depressing having an injury, I had one last year and it totally throws me off track.

We officially have a resident tarantula in our garden, it won't leave. SO I named it Shelob... It's actually an oversized funnel web spider. Which is more interesting than tarantulas, to be honest. I won't go into the Nat Geo explanation why... So after my caloric nightmare of a dinner, I am totally wiped out. Kind of like how you feel after Thanksgiving dinner, but even fuller. I wouldn't be suprised if I gain 5 more lbs by the time I get fully healed. Which will be in about a week.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wanna see what Eharmony sent me?

(I don't know what is more embarrassing. The fact that I went to Eharmony or this result. Yes, I went to Eharmony to satisfy my curitosity...and this is what they say... FUCK YOU Eharmony. )

We're very sorry, but our matching system cannot predict good matches for you.

eHarmony's patented matching system was developed after extensive research into marital satisfaction. We use each person's responses to our Relationship Questionnaire to predict the pairings of individuals that are highly likely to result in satisfying long-term relationships, based on what we learned through our research.

Unfortunately, based on responses to our questionnaire, we occasionally find situations where our matching system cannot identify high quality compatible matches, and this has happened in your case. Please understand that it is a result of our matching process and in no way reflects on you as a person or your ability to be in a happy relationship.

We apologize and regret our inability to find good matches for you. The time you spent completing our questionnaire, however, has enabled us to provide you with a free Personality Profile.. This Personality Profile lets you learn more about yourself and should provide you with valuable insights.

We wish you all the best in your search for that special someone.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Witches Brew

Oh and here's the address and number for the Witches Brew. Apparently it still exists! So if any of you are feeling adventurous, and happen to be in Long Island, New York, Check it out. I'm sure they won't mind me doing a little advertising for them. Go see it for me, before it's too late.

311 Hempstead Tpke
West Hempstead, NY 11552
(516) 489-9482

Spooktacularly named

....OK so now we're back to reality. Sorry for my little outburst back there. Sometimes I get the feeling like I'm talking to myself. You ever get that feeling? Anyway, I'm still struggling with my lifelong obsession with Halloween. Maybe I should join a support group of some sort. Halloween-aholics anonymous, or short. "H.A.". No, it wasn't that funny.. Yeah, I have the ability to come up with bad jokes, so bare with me. I currently have my black cat dressed in a jack o lantern sweater sitting on my desk, and a scarecrow that greets me every time I open my closet. Some people have skeletons in their closet. I personally have scarecrows. Hey, but at least I don't ever have to worry about crows flying into my dresser in the middle of the night and stealing all my clothes, right? The sad thing is, as I write this, there is a garden outside being eaten alive by critters..and my scarecrow sits in my closet. His name is Jack, by the way. No, I am not crazy. Although I did mention the white coats in my previous post.

Personally I like all the old cheap "B" Horror Films. The less money, and the worse the acting put into it, the better. There seems to be a "cult" following for films like these. Although, some of them were put together rather well without computer animation. I sometimes wish they would go back to using actually props than pixels all the time. I noticed the wolfman transformations in the old films looked more real without the computer generated cartoonish look. It really does look cartoonish to me.

I've been cooking less in regards to the fact that the house reaches nearly 90 during the day in this god-forsaken place. People have been boycotting my food, so I nearly finished half of the Covenstead bread by myself. Sinful, but delicious. I think it would be more of a sin to let it go to waste. I will tell you that I got the recipe from one of my Pagan books, which I have had since I was a teenager. It is something I have followed throughout my life..with that being said my next adventure will be "Salem Witch Pudding" or "Halloween Pumpkin Muffins", and other spooktacularly named recipes. I totally made that word up, in case you hadn't noticed. The Covenstead bread has a spiced, but sweet taste to it. Kind of like winter ale, if you drink. I personally prefer it in Autumn.

There used to be a place I used to go to named "The Witches Brew" back in New York. Those of you who are reading this, and hung out with me, know EXACTLY what i'm talking about. It was one of my favourite hang out spots, and they would serve a lot of the spooktacularly named recipes as I mentioned above. I'm not sure if they're from Pagan books, but they had these strange coffee concoctions with peanut butter and marshmallows, with some type of spice in it. It meshed really well, and as I talk about it, I am craving one. I sincerely hope that the establishment is still open. My group of rockers, goths and punks used to frequent there a lot, and it was like Hogsmeade if any of you read Harry Potter. It would be a shame if they closed it down, but knowing mainstream corporate, narrow minded, greedy society...They probably turned it into Starbucks or Abercrombie and Fitch. Or it's invaded by Twilight fans. It really was the Anti-Starbucks. Forgive my rebellious runs in my blood. It's definitely the type of place I would like to open, in my own town. No cowboys allowed, but pirates are welcome ;)